This is Public Health

Making Sense of Data Trends in Media: US Measles Cases

Goldschmidt, Debra. (June 5, 2019) US Measles Cases Surpass 1,000 This Year. CNN.Available at (Accessed June 8, 2019).

The article focuses on the trend of measles cases in the United States within the year 2019. The article focuses on what the number of cases are and that a majority come from international travel. The article compares the number of cases and the surge of cases from the number of measles cases from the past nine years. Their graph shows that the measles have reached a the highest spike of the years shown, making a claim that it is the highest number of cases in nearly three decades. The second highest spike shown on the graph having been in 2014 where the number of cases was nearly half coming in at 667 compared to the 1001 cases of 2019. The article has a second graph that shows the number of cases reported each week by month. The highest spike being in late April with a dip in May. The article then talks about how New York has the highest number of cases with close to 700. After looking into the sections of New York with the highest outbreaks they saw a trend of high cases within primarily orthodox Jewish neighborhoods that have low rates of vaccination. Since the disease was determined to primarily come from international travel health officials are nervous about the summer with international travel being on the rise. The research done shows that the measles are making a come back primarily from those who are not vaccinated traveling to another country getting infected and then infecting those who are also unprotected that they come into contact with. With it noted that the current cases started out as international ad brought back the trend of the disease is now linked with international vacations and since summer is when most people go on long vacations public health and healthcare workers are trying to promote the safety and effectiveness of vaccines while also promoting other day to day aide such as disinfecting toys and other surfaces, not sharing silverware or drinks with those who are sick, washing hands, and avoiding touching ones eyes. They also gave a list of symptoms so those who may potentially have measles can identify any symptoms to then go to a health care profession to receive a diagnosis and medicine and rules to prevent from spreading the disease. It seems public health primary way of combating measles is to ensure the safety of vaccines and their effectiveness and that measles is preventable. Not only would the campaign, if effective, help with the quelling of measles cases but for other preventable diseases as well. This strategy can help them from having to repeat the same issue with another disease. I believe it will be an effective tactic because while many anti-vaxers do so either out of religious beliefs or simply ignorance, it would be difficult to argue with the data presented especially if more of the data was laid out into graphs such as the low vaccinated areas having higher case numbers. I agree with the data presented that the measles are on the rise as it is done so with clearly marked graphs and sources right underneath the graphs. However I would like to see more on the source that the measles are originating from international travel and a graphic representing the comparison of measles cases in orthodox Jewish neighborhoods compared with other communities within New York over a graph that showed the number of cases per week. They did have the source of their numbers about the Jewish communities however I feel that that graphic would of helped their argument for vaccinations showing that areas without high vaccination rates suffer more. I do trust this source as CNN has been a widely trusted news source for a number of years now and they talked with experts such as the US Department of Health and Human Services as well as collected data from the CDC and the New York City Health Department. With clear sourcing for all of their claims, direct quotes from the head of the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the reliability of the CDC and CNNs reputation it would hurt them more to lie in this article or try to misrepresent the facts. I also believe this article more based on my personal knowledge of the effectiveness of vaccines. I feel that this article really helps not just as a way to track measles cases but to show, scientifically that preventable diseases are on the up rise right not while we have a huge anti-vaxxer movement. While it is clear the article chooses a side by making the claims about vaccine effectiveness, all the research backing the claim up comes from reliable sources. The reputation of CNN along with the reputation of the CDC and the unlikeliness of the US Department of Health and Human Services to falsify data, makes me feel that this article was well done and unbiased. I think this article shows how public health really is about more than just the report. The data about the surge of measles is not just focused on the numbers but on the dangerous of not being vaccinated.

1 Comment

  1. Rena Tatsumi

    It is interesting to discover that most of the outbreaks happened in Jewish neighborhoods because I never looked in depth at the demographics and just assumed the stereotype memes depict online are those who are getting sick (I know I should never have done that). Personally, it is a little bit hard for me to make sense that this outbreak is actually happening because I am so desensitized about what I see or hear on the media. But this course is teaching me not to be passive about these issues. There were some outbreaks of measles reported in Atlanta, so I believe the outbreaks are no longer “their issue” for us. I definitely agree with making additional efforts for proving the safety of vaccines- my article also discussed the importance of that as well.

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