This is Public Health

Author: Alexa Opdyke

Lyme Disease Infographic


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New Drug Intervention for Dwarfism

Preidt, Robert. (June 21, 2019) New Drug Combats Leading Cause of Dwarfism. U.S. News & World Report. Available at (Accessed June 23, 2019).

The intervention that the article focused on was using a drug called vosoritide to regulate the bone development in children with the genetic bone disorder achondroplasia. Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism. In the United States, France, United Kingdom and Australia a four-year phase 2 trial was conducted. 35 children aged 5-14 were separated into four groups and given daily doses of vosoritide in increasing quantities. This caused the children to increase in height an average of 2.4 inches a year. It increased the children’s growth rate on average by 50%. The side effects of the drug were generally minor. I am convinced of the effectiveness of this intervention because of the increased growth rate of the children with only minor side effects. Achondroplasia affects approximately 1 in 25,000 infants and is caused by a FGFR3 gene mutation which adversely affects bone growth. An overactive signal that stops development is what causes achondroplasia. This intervention is effective because vosoritide helps to stop that overactivity thus helping to solve the problem. The intervention is likely to catch on because from a policy perspective it is addressing the needs of these children by improving their future health on a yearly basis. The key decision makers are likely to agree to recommend and fund this intervention because it increased the growth rates of children with achondroplasia per year to nearly the same growth rates per year of children of average height. Many children with achondroplasia have other complications such as spinal chord compression, spinal curvature and bowed legs. These complications require corrective surgeries in approximately half of the children. This intervention may improve the children’s health outcomes, functioning and access to their environment which would increase the likelihood that it would be funded by key decision makers.

Social Determinants Map

I walked around historic downtown Canton. Canton is the county seat of Cherokee County, Georgia. There were sidewalks and crosswalks all over the city which made it safe and easy to walk around. There were several different social determinants of health in just a mile long walk: government buildings, medical establishments, parks, restaurants, businesses, housing and places of worship. I found that a lot of the housing and buildings were old, but it makes sense because it is a historic city that is preserving older buildings. The buildings and housing did not seem unsafe even though they were old. There was accessible healthcare in Canton but not everyone who lives there can afford it. The majority of the workforce in Canton does not have a high education which brings down their incomes affecting what healthcare they can access. Poverty rates in Canton range from 13.3% – 20.1% of the population.

The New York Times. (2014). [Newsgraphic of poverty rate in Canton, Georgia] Mapping Poverty in America. Retrieved from

United States Census Bureau. (2019). [Map of employment in Canton, Georgia in 2015]. On The Map (Employment). Retrieved from

Drinking Alcohol Increases Risk of Breast Cancer

BBC News (June 19, 2019) Women not aware enough of breast cancer link to alcohol. BBC News. Available at (Accessed June 19, 2019).

Consumption of alcohol is a risk factor for developing breast cancer. Women who drink 2 units of alcohol a day increase their risk of developing breast cancer from 8% to 11%. Because I am a woman with a family history of breast cancer but I only drink minimal amounts of alcohol at social events, my perceived susceptibility of developing breast cancer is still only based on my family history. However, my perceived severity of breast cancer is high because I could get very sick and/or die from it. This information about alcohol increasing the risk of breast cancer affects my thoughts by making me think I should continue to drink minimal amounts of alcohol, as it is a risk factor I can control. I did not have any background knowledge that drinking alcohol increased the risk of breast cancer. Comparing my knowledge that drinking alcohol may affect heart health and can affect liver health helped me realize that it can affect other parts of the body as well. This led me to understand that it increases the risk of breast cancer. I interpreted the number of units of alcohol that increases the risk of breast cancer (2) as far lower than the recommended alcohol limits for men and women per day (14). Slovic’s work described how if a risk is familiar one might not think of it as risky as an unknown risk. Slovic’s work does not apply to my own perceptions of the risks of breast cancer. Even though drinking alcohol is a familiar risk like driving a car as opposed to an unknown risk like nuclear weapons and genetically modified food I took this into account in my perceptions. Although 14 units of alcohol is the recommended limit to drink a day and a familiar risk I perceived that to lower my risk for breast cancer I would need to drink a much lower amount, less than 2 units of alcohol a day.

STIs Time Trend

Avramova, Nina. (June 6, 2019) One million STDs diagnosed every day, World Health Organization says. CNN. Available at (Accessed June 9, 2019).

This article describes the time trend of the sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also known as STDs, of chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and syphilis. More than a million of these STIs are contracted per day and 376 million a year. There are several determinants contributing to this epidemic. Dr. Melanie Taylor says that these trends show that “people are taking risks with their health” and that in worldwide figures these STIs show “no substantial decline,” since 2012. Treating these STIs is difficult. There are shortages of enzathine penicillin to treat syphilis and there is antimicrobial resistance to gonorrhea treatments. Because many of the STIs show no symptoms, people do not realize they are infected and need to be treated. Also, STIs are as Dr. Taylor says, “associated with shame and stigma” adding to this “hidden” epidemic. Public health strategies could try to find alternative treatments for these infections as well as encourage people to take less risks with their health. Public health strategies could also test for STIs more often as they do not present symptoms and try to stop the shame and stigma associated with these infections so that it will no longer be a “hidden” epidemic. I would want to know more about how this information varies by region and the different ways it is being handled in different places. That way it would be easier to identify which strategies are working for containing this problem and can be implemented successfully worldwide. I agree with the conclusions presented by the author from the data. It is specific in saying that this information is about 4 specific STIs and not all STIs. I trust this source. The information is straightforward and backed up by data from the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as other credible sources.

This Is Public Health Photos

This photo is a picture of my glasses and contact lenses that I use daily and was taken in my room. I am so nearsighted that I do not want to imagine what it would be like to have to live without visual aid. However, as a history major I have wondered what it would have been like living before glasses and contacts were invented and widely available to the public. In the Brown and Closser “What’s your major?” reading, the scenarios of the different girls named Anna/Ana put into perspective how many people still struggle with nearsightedness today. The reading described how health and wealth are related at the international or population level. In the example of the low income country, Ana could not continue attending school because she could not see the blackboard and her family could not afford glasses. Glasses and contacts are related to public health through this example of how they can enable education as well as other safety and independence examples. I am extremely fortunate that my family could afford glasses and contacts. Alexa Opdyke, Visual Aid, 6/3/19
This is a screenshot from my phone of the meditation app I use called Insight Timer. This app has thousands of free meditations that can help with mental health in people’s daily lives. It affects public health at the population level, as anyone who has a digital device can download it and meditate. Though it would still matter how much income you had to be able to afford a digital device to access the app. As we learned in the textbook and class, mental health is now considered health along with physical health. This app helps me to relax and is especially helpful during the school year. Alexa Opdyke, Insight Timer, 6/3/19
These are some of the indoor plants in my house taken by the back door. These plants affect the health of my household by improving the air quality indoors. We discussed in class how air quality is a factor of health and how poor air quality can be a determinant of disease. In the textbook we read about the built environment, which is the environment we construct for ourselves as humans. Sometimes these built environments separate us from nature which can be unhealthy. Alexa Opdyke, Indoor Plants, 6/3/19
