Carlie Charles

Carlie’s Walk in Downtown Decatur

On my walk from Avery Glen to Downtown Decatur, I decided to take the route of the square starting at my apartment. I walked to the courthouse, the Wells Fargo on Ponce, and then took a different direction back home. What I noticed the most was how the sidewalks in the inside of the perimeter of Downtown were all nicely kept and wide enough to possibly fit three people shoulder to shoulder. Yet, when I took the backroad back to my apartment, I noticed that the sidewalks were very narrow and there were cracks from where the weeds split through. It was strange to me because there were nice houses on that street and it was obvious that there were families who had children in their homes so the fact that it wasn’t necessarily safe for children to walk those sidewalks was daunting. It made me think that Decatur puts a lot of effort into maintaining the square because it is Downtown and there is a lot of money invested as there is a multitude of restaurants and other stores all centralized there. The trashcans scattered across the square further supported that as once you reached into the outskirts of the square, there were no fancy trashcans to be seen.