This is a photo of a overhead sprinkler in the case of a fire or if smoke is detected. Taken in an Avery Glen Apartment. This image depicts Public Health in both the community level and the individual level since it protects not just this apartment but is part of a system where every apartment is protected by having their own sprinkler head. The sprinkler is used as a way if one apartment catches on fire a quick way to put it out or control the fire until the fire department arrives.
It is connected to Public Health because a place with no fire alarm or system to alert and aid in putting the fire out is a hazard to ones life.
(Abby Ackerson, Overhead Sprinkler, June 2nd 2019)
This is a photo of a sink taken in an Avery Glen apartment. The sink is an example of Public Health because I know that it is safe to drink this water and to brush my teeth with it because of the public health efforts to ensure that the water is filtered. The filtered water is Public Health at the community level because all of the population benefits from the filtered watered regulations. Specifically on page 3 of Riegelman it discusses how water from taps is part of public health.
(Abby Ackerson, Bathroom Sink, June 2nd 2019)
This image is of a mustang seat belt which we discussed in class as being a safety feature and was enforced due to public health efforts and cooperation between public health and government organizations like the police. The seat belt can be considered both a individual and community feature because it is mandated for all cars to have them and their use is mandated by law.
(Abby Ackerson, Mustang Seat belt, June 2nd 2019)