This is Public Health

This Is Public Health Photos

This photo is a picture of my glasses and contact lenses that I use daily and was taken in my room. I am so nearsighted that I do not want to imagine what it would be like to have to live without visual aid. However, as a history major I have wondered what it would have been like living before glasses and contacts were invented and widely available to the public. In the Brown and Closser “What’s your major?” reading, the scenarios of the different girls named Anna/Ana put into perspective how many people still struggle with nearsightedness today. The reading described how health and wealth are related at the international or population level. In the example of the low income country, Ana could not continue attending school because she could not see the blackboard and her family could not afford glasses. Glasses and contacts are related to public health through this example of how they can enable education as well as other safety and independence examples. I am extremely fortunate that my family could afford glasses and contacts. Alexa Opdyke, Visual Aid, 6/3/19
This is a screenshot from my phone of the meditation app I use called Insight Timer. This app has thousands of free meditations that can help with mental health in people’s daily lives. It affects public health at the population level, as anyone who has a digital device can download it and meditate. Though it would still matter how much income you had to be able to afford a digital device to access the app. As we learned in the textbook and class, mental health is now considered health along with physical health. This app helps me to relax and is especially helpful during the school year. Alexa Opdyke, Insight Timer, 6/3/19
These are some of the indoor plants in my house taken by the back door. These plants affect the health of my household by improving the air quality indoors. We discussed in class how air quality is a factor of health and how poor air quality can be a determinant of disease. In the textbook we read about the built environment, which is the environment we construct for ourselves as humans. Sometimes these built environments separate us from nature which can be unhealthy. Alexa Opdyke, Indoor Plants, 6/3/19

1 Comment

  1. Rena Tatsumi

    I am also very nearsighted, and I cannot live without my glasses/contacts as well. I often wonder how long I would survive if I was thrown in the wilderness without my glasses right now. I probably wouldn’t survive for long. It’s interesting because when I was reading about Anna’s story, I forgot that I am wearing glasses myself to be able to see the words without squinting. I realized I take many things for granted, but the story reminds me not to forget how there are people who have not received adequate care for their vision and/or other conditions as well.

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